
M36     Title:   Worshipping Mt.Iwaki

M81     Title:   Worshipping Mt.Iwaki
Villagers climb up Mt.Iwaki carrying divine flags and offerings.
Print date:  1974
Edition:    100
Size:      20.5 x 29
Villagers climb up Mt.Iwaki carrying divine flags and offerings at Sept
Print date:  1975
Edition:    100
Size:      17.7 x 26

M38     Title:   Nebuta

M168     Title:   Hachinohe Enburi-dance
The main feature of the festival is the huge, wide nebuta figures striking kabuki poses.
Print date:  1974
Edition:    100
Size:      29 x 20.5
Feb.17-20: This festival held in cold winter to pray for a good harvest.
Print date:  1979
Edition:    75
Size:      15.7 x 10

M456     Title:   Worshipping Mt.Iwaki

9031     Title:   Nebuta
Villagers climb up Mt.Iwaki carrying divine flags and offerings at Sept.
Print date:  1989
Edition:    50
Size:      14 x 10
Festival called Neburi-nagashi, the spirits of sleep were cast away to the sea.
Print date:  1989
Edition:    50
Size:      14 x 10

M68     Title:   Arauma-dance

M266     Title:   Nebuta
It is played as a rice planting style in mid-summer.
Print date:  1975
Edition:    130
Size:      17.7 x 26
Festival called Neburi-nagashi, the spirits of sleep were cast away to the sea.
Print date:  1983
Edition:    100
Size:      17.7 x 26

8331     Title:   Nebuta

8408     Title:   Kirita-Kagura
The festival is famous for its great fan-shaped neputa with their gorgeous designs.
Print date:  1983
Edition:    100
Size:      14 x 10
Kagura-Sacred dance and music performed in homage to the gods.

Print date:  1984
Edition:    50
Size:      14 x 10


M546     Title:   No-Mai at Shimokita

M608     Title:   Lion dancing at Shimokita
Village people's Kagura at New Year's day.
Print date:  1994
Edition:    600
Size:      5.5 x 4
Lion dancing for drive out evil spirits at New Year's day.
Print date:  1998
Edition:    125
Size:      4 x 3.3
Copyright TANAKA MASAAKI All right reserved.